Marc Cooper
"My Latte cabs are the most awesome Guitar FRFR Cabinets ever! What you put, you get out...100%."
Marc Cooper's music career has now taken him to perform in over 60 countries. He's performed with Joe Walsh, Steve Howe, Danny Gatton, Jennifer Batten, Brett Garsed, Andy Timmons, Gregg Bissonnette, Carmine Appice, Yngwie Malmsteen, Uli Jon Roth, Narada Michael Walden, Alain Caron, Michel Cusson, Buster B Jones, John Stowell, and others. He also conducted over 5000 guitar workshops worldwide.
The Marc Cooper Signature series guitar C90P.13 is a Brian Moore electric with RMC acoustic saddles and synth capabilities released in 2012.
- Coop is a guitar and synth-guitar fanatic, which makes the AccuGroove Latte's (Isolated 3-Way 12") such a perfect fit handling the guitar tones with his AXE FX Ultra AND soft synths triggered by his Fishman Triple Play. The Latte's give him a big low-end punch on his guitar synth and the full range / flat response with which the AXE-FX works best.